Learning Hive Christian Academy

Core Values/ Mission

The LHCA Way

Our programme is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn.
At Learning Hive Christian Academy, we hold firmly to the philosophy that children learn best through rich interaction with their peers and adult mentors; and their learning increases when they are engaged in activities that have meaning to them.




Our Core Values

Helping people to know God and to be obedient to him is perhaps the greatest gift we can bestow. Understood in this way, Christian education can be one of the most compassionate ministries of the church.

Perry G. Downs


Our Mission Statement

"To create a learning enriched environment that nurtures young minds."

The Learning Hive Christian Academy Culture


Biblical Values

LHCA Board members, Administrators, Faculty and Staff strive to live according to the values contained in the Bible by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. Through formal teaching and example, they seek to encourage students and their families to live according to the same Biblical values.



LHCA encourages and relies on volunteer service from students and their families. Serving      others without reward is encouraged in the Bible and a mark of Christian maturity.

Volunteer service opportunities will be provided for students and individual person volunteer activity will be encouraged. Each parent is encouraged to volunteer through school organizations such as Charity Week, School Bazaar and Fairs, End of Year Productions, Family Day, Sports Day and field trips.



LHCA expects all communication on the part of all school employees, students, school families and stakeholders to be Honest, Direct and Respectful. Honest means speaking truthfully in all settings and all audiences. Direct means speaking clearly and completely, only to the “right” people. Direct communication increases understanding and eliminates gossip and slander. Respectfully means being respectful of others and their  perspectives even when you disagree and their behavior is inappropriate.

Various communication channels and the procedures for parents communicating concerns about their students or the school will be addressed later in this handbook under the heading “Communication.”

Help us improve

Your valuable suggestions and feedback will help us improve our vision, approach and ethos.
Please contact us using any of the social mediums listed below.